Saturday, November 19, 2011

16 November 2011

Happy Birthday. Took some time off from work and rode down Legacy and back. A couple trips ago, down Legacy and the Chevron Mile, I noticed that new pavement had been laid more to the south. So today I decided to ride it to the end. Less than 0.2 miles it stopped. Looks like they are going to lay a boardwalk path so had to turn around.

Today's Miles - 27.7 Miles

Total Miles - 503.9 Miles

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

15 November 2011

Another trip to work in Mom's kitchen so another trip down Legacy. To the end and back.

Today's Miles - 27.4 Miles

Total Miles - 476.2 Miles

14 November 2011

Working in Farmington at Mom and Dad's kitchen so Legacy is gonna be easier to get to. Went today before the work. Temps in the 30's but sunny. Rode to the end of the Chevron Mile and back.

Today's Miles - 27.4 Miles

Total Miles - 448.8 Miles

Friday, November 11, 2011

11 November 2011

11/11/11 Happy Veteran Day. Rode Legacy again today to the end of the "chevron mile." This will become the turn around for awhile. I can ride the 27.4 miles in about 1 hour and 45 minutes. Very nice workout all by myself.

Today's Miles - 27.4 Miles

Total Miles - 421.4 Miles
(about 1/10 the way to Peru :( )

9 November 2011

Rode Legacy parkway today. Got to get back on my bike more. Rode to the end of the "Chevron Mile" and noticed the trail continues on now. One day I'll take it to the end.

Today's Miles - 27.4 Miles

Total Miles - 394.0 Miles

21 October 2011

Woke up in Escalante Utah this morning and after visiting with a gentleman from Maine, he convinced me to ride my bike down the Burr Trail. Drove to Boulder, Utah across the "hogs back." Stopped just the beginning of the Burr trail and started riding. Had my GPS with me and noticed I had dropped over 1000 feet in elevation in about 5.5 miles and it just kept going down. Turned around and rode back UP to the car. The Burr trail has a canyon called the "long canyon" which would absolutely be wonderful to ride on a bike. Beautiful day

Today's Miles - 11.2 Miles

Total Miles - 366.8 Miles

Saturday, October 15, 2011

15 October 2011

Woke up and headed to Legacy. Rode to the end of the Chevron Mile and back in 1 hour 53 minutes. Felt good. This new bike really has made it nice.

Today's Miles - 27.3 Miles

Total Miles - 355.6 Miles